Fine Art Appraisal | Advisory | Jackson, MS

Bebe Wolfe


Elizabeth (Bebe) Wolfe, Untitled (Mildred in the Garden), 2004. Oil on board. 20 x 20 in.


Elizabeth “Bebe” Wolfe

Biography excerpted from

Elizabeth Wolfe was born in 1949 in Jackson Mississippi, the daughter of Karl and Mildred Wolfe. Elizabeth, “Bebe” as she was called, received loving encouragement from both parents, and grew up in an environment that was a both of a wonderland of artistic potential, and a ‘proving ground’ of high ideals.

She attended the Portland School of Art in Portland Maine from 1980 -1984, and received a BFA in painting. While in Maine she met her future husband, David Weidemann, and the couple were married in 1985.

After Karl Wolfe’s death in 1984, Bebe and David moved back to Jackson. Bebe began to help her mother Mildred with the studio business, which at that time in addition to Mildred’s paintings, consisted of a small production of the ceramic birds Karl and Mildred started making in the 1950’s to augment their studio’s offering of paintings and portraits. Over the next decade, as Mildred’s health began to fail, Bebe, with David’s help, took on more of the studio management and expanded the line of ceramics. The Wolfe Studio is now a full time business, employing several talented artists from the area.