Fine Art Appraisal | Advisory | Jackson, MS


Appraisal Reports

Appraisal reports are performed for a variety of official purposes: non-cash charitable donations, insurance coverage, damage claims, federal estate tax, gift tax, resale, division of property among heirs, etc. These detailed reports comply with accepted standards including the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

Art Collecting

I encourage my clients to collect original art to enhance their unique spaces. If you are interested in purchasing artwork for your home or office and would like help researching different galleries or finding new artists to collect, I can make suggestions for your space based on your personal taste and within your budget. I will even bring artwork to you and assist you with framing and placement.

Verbal Evaluations

Curious about what you have? Verbal evaluations offer you the ability to find out what you have before the larger expense of a full written appraisal. No information is given in writing, no determinations of value are made, and these are not appraisal reports.

Art Brokerage

If you are looking to sell a work of art and would like assistance not just with a pre-sale estimate, but also with navigating the auction or consignment process from start to finish, I can work with you through all stages to ensure the best possible market is found.

Written Consultations

Written consultations are offered as an option when an appraisal is not needed but a written document is wanted for other related purposes based on the client’s needs. It might include research on the artwork, opinions on quality or originality, or recommendations regarding conservation and care.

Collection Management

Art inventory services can provide you with clear and concise information about your collection, including detailed photographs, size, condition, provenance, notations on the medium, artist, time period, and value. An inventory can be prepared using your choice of software, from Excel to specialized art collector software programs.